You will find here the Sunday sermons. Each sermon is posted in English and in French.
Pentecôte IV 1 Samuel 17:32-49 ; 2 Corinthiens 6:1-13 ; Marc 4:35-41 Mes premiers mois de Master of Divinity, avant que je n’arrive à St. Esprit, ont été mes mois les plus difficiles aux États-Unis. J’étais monté à bord de ce programme sans prendre la mesure des challenges culturels et spirituels qu’il allait susciter pour moi.…
Pentecost III June 13, 2021 I Samuel 15:34-16:13 II Corinthians 5:6-17 Mark 4:26-34 Have you ever had to do one of those ‘ice-breaker’ exercises where you’re supposed to ask each other questions to get to know each other better in a short period of time? They go by the name of ‘accelerated team development exercises’.…
Pentecost II June 6, 2021 I Samuel 8 :4-15, II Corinthians 4:13-5:1, Mark 3:20-35 If I asked you to recall stories of Jesus’ family in the Gospels, I imagine that your minds would first conjure up the nativity stories in Matthew and Luke. You might then remember the incident when Mary and Joseph realized that they…
Le dimanche de la Trinité Le 30 mai 2021 On ne sait pas grand-chose du personnage dans l’Évangile de Jean qui a provoqué Jésus et lui a fait prononcer non pas un, mais deux des versets les plus cités de la Bible : « Il vous faut tous naître de nouveau » (Jean 3:8) et « Car Dieu a…
Dimanche de la Pentecôte Ez 37:1-14 ; Actes 2:1-21 ; Jn 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 Quand je prépare un sermon pour St. Esprit, je lis nos lectures du jour en anglais et en français. Si j’en ressens le besoin, je regarde ensuite l’hébreu ou le grec pour explorer dans les langues originelles du texte une expression ou un jeu…
Dimanche dans l’octave de l’Ascension Actes 1:1-11 Ephésiens 1:15-23 Luc 24:44-53 Quand on regarde un film, lit un roman, ou si on est préoccupé par quelque chose, tout notre être est comme happé par cette contemplation. Pour notre bonheur, notre malheur et toutes les nuances qui existent entre ces deux sorts, nos corps, dans…
Easter VI May 9, 2021 Acts 10:44-48 I John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17 Over the last three weeks, our readings from Jesus’ last discourse in John’s gospel have been brought home to me by the news articles that I’ve read or heard. One of the most poignant and heartbreaking aspects of the pandemic has been the…
Easter V / AGM May 2, 2021 Acts 8:26-40 I John 4:7-21 John 15:1-8 I have always liked these passages we read from John’s gospel and John’s first letter. There is something enormously comforting about the idea of ‘dwelling’ in God’s love, like a vine grafted onto a root-stock or a person dwelling in the…
Easter IV / Huguenot Sunday April 25, 2021 Acts 4 :5-12 I John 3 :16-21 John 10 :11-18 Several years ago, a previous member of the Vestry (who shall remain nameless) told me in no uncertain terms that “Nobody comes to St. Esprit for the architecture”. At first, I was a little taken aback by…
Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021 Acts 3:12-19 I John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36-48 I have to admit that I’m not a big fan of magic shows. Cynthia was telling me about the tricks that her father performed for birthdays, and I admit that her stories won me over somewhat. She made me wonder what…