You will find here the Sunday sermons. Each sermon is posted in English and in French.

Sermon – Easter II

Easter II April 11, 2021 Acts 4:32:35    I John 1:1-2:2    John 20:19-31 “If beauty delights you, the dust shall shine as the sun. If you enjoy that speed, strength and freedom of the body that nothing can withstand, then you shall be like the angels of God. If you delight in any pleasure that is…

Easter Sermon

Easter Day April 4, 2021 Isaiah  25:6-9     Acts 10:34-43     John 20:1-18   Over the last year or so there has been rather a fuss about what some people have come to call disparagingly ‘cancel culture’. People in history, a certain way of looking at the past, or certain utterances or attitudes…

Sermon Jeudi Saint -Maundy Thursday

Jeudi Saint Jean 13:1-17 Quand quelque chose de nouveau, de surprenant nous arrive on réagit en général en s’arrêtant, en se recroquevillant, en regardant en arrière pour voir ce qui s’est passé. On est abasourdi, on regrette ou encore on s’insurge. Une injustice criante nous donne ces sentiments. La pandémie a sûrement suscité en nous un…

Sermon – Palm Sunday

Le dimanche des Rameaux                                                                                     le 28 mars 2021 Un article récent dans le Scientific American a rapporté quelque chose que nous avons tous probablement vécu au cours de la dernière année. COVID-19 a modifié non seulement nos moments éveillés, mais aussi le monde de nos rêves : combien de fois nous rêvons, combien…

Sermon – Lent V

Le cinquième dimanche du Carême                                                                       le 21 mars 2021 Le poète et théologien écossais George McDonald (1824-1905) a dit un jour qu’il pensait que c’était un bien meilleur compliment d’être considéré fiable que d’être aimé. À première vue, j’ai pensé que sa déclaration semblait un peu froide. Préféreriez-vous être considéré comme une personne de…

Sermon – Lent III

THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT March 7 , 2021 Exodus 20:1-17 I Corinthians 1:18-25 John 2:13-22 I want to begin by asking a very ‘modern’ question. How clearly is the personality of Jesus portrayed in the Gospels? Are the Gospels biographies of Jesus, like the biographies of other famous people we can read from the ancient…

Sermon – Lent II

Lent II February 28, 2021 Genesis 17 :1-16 Romans 4 :13-25 Mark 8 :31-38 We are so used to hearing that the Gospel is Good News, that certain verses in the Bible can take us by surprise. Perhaps this is especially true of today’s gospel reading, “If any want to become my followers, let them…

Sermon – Lent I

Lent I February 21, 2021 Genesis 9:8-17 I Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 Many Christians live through Lent as a moment of restraint and purification with a view to receiving God’s grace more fully. Many traditions and spiritual observances of the Church encourage this. During this season we want to be able to restrict, limit or…

Sermon – Transfiguration

Last Sunday of Epiphany / Transfiguration February 14, 2021 II Kings 2:1-12 II Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 The curious thing about the commemoration of the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor is that it is the only feast that is observed twice in the liturgical calendar. Since at least the 800’s, the feast of the…

Sermon – Epiphany V

Epiphany V February 7, 2021 Isaiah 40:21-31 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 Just before I moved to the United States, I worked for a Bishop of London who was very kind, but noted for plain speaking. He came from the English county of Yorkshire – a part of the country where people have a reputation…