Every Sunday after the service, we welcome all parishioners and newcomers with coffee, tea and cookies served in the parish room or in the back garden depending on the weather. All welcome!
To celebrate our multicultural francophone heritage, we also hold several parish receptions and celebrations such as:
- L’Épiphanie – During this parish reception, we share the traditional French galette de rois (Kings Cake).
- La Chandeleur (Candlemas) – During this parish reception, we share the traditional French crêpes with French cider.
- Pâques – On Easter Sunday, we hold a reception and celebration in the garden with an Easter egg hunt.
- Dimanche des Huguenots – During this parish reception, we celebrate our Huguenot heritage with a reception sponsored by The Huguenot Society of America.
- La Pentecôte – On this Sunday where we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit we also celebrate our name day by wearing red and sharing various refreshments.
- La fête nationale française (Bastille Day) – On the Sunday closest to July 14th, we celebrate our French heritage with various refreshments and chanson française in our back garden.
- Afrique Fête – During this parish reception, we celebrate our members form African countries by sharing together various refreshments prepared by our African members.
- Oktoberfest – During this parish reception, we celebrate our German members as well as the French region of Alsace.
- La Toussaint – On This Sunday we celebrate our members who are no longer with us by sharing a traditional Greek Koliva.
- Thanksgiving – During this parish reception, we share the traditional American Thanksgiving meal with turkey, mash potatoes, and more.
- Chantons Noël – This annual French Christmas choir service is held on a Tuesday before Christmas. in the evening. After the choir service we share refreshments in the parish room.
- Le jour de Noël – On this day, we celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus. After the service, we share a traditional Christmas meal in the parish room.
To learn more about our parish receptions, please watch the videos below: