Advent III – Sermon

Advent III December 13, 2020 Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-12   I Thessalonians 5:16-24   John 1:6-8, 19-28 Several years ago, the Kirkwood family in Texas prepared a cake in the shape of John the Baptist’s severed head in preparation for something called the Texas Bible Bowl. I think the bowl is a reference to something other than cooking,…

Sermon – Advent II

Advent II December 6, 2020 Isaiah 40:1-11, II Peter 3:8-18, Mark 1:1-8 Sheep farming is a lot harder than people imagine. You can pretty much leave goats to themselves. They are very hardy, they can eat almost anything and they don’t take as much personal attention as sheep. In Israel and Judah, goats were raised…

Sermon – Premier dimanche de l’Avent

Advent I November 29, 2020 Isaiah 64:1-9  I Corinthians 1:3-9  Mark 13:24-37 What is the difference between the Christian life of prayer and the Christian life of watchfulness? It’s a particularly interesting question to ask ourselves in the Advent season. The twentieth century German theologian Jürgen Moltmann once wrote: “To pray is good, but to…

Sermon – Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving celebration November 22, 2020 When you read the Bible, it is very hard to avoid the fact that it was written for a society that was far closer to the earth and its seasons than we are. The Old Testament is full of references to harvests and vines, to sheep and to cattle. The…

Sermon – Pentecost XXIV

Pentecost XXIV November 15th, 2020 Judges 4:1-7  1 Thessalonians 5:1:11 Matthew 22:14-30 In last week’s reading from Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus compared Christians to a group of teenage girls who had been asked to be bridesmaids, and then compared God to a groom who couldn’t even turn up on time to his own wedding. This week,…

Sermon – All Saints

All Saints 1 November 2020 Revelation 7: 9-17 1 John 3: 1-3 Matthew 5: 1-12 This year we are lucky in one thing at least: All Saints Day coincides with a Sunday, so we are able to celebrate it on the day assigned to it in the calendar. In the late twentieth century, something called…

Pentecost XXI – Sermon by Lynnaia Main

Pentecost XXI A recipe for Saint Esprit’s essential workers We have all appreciated our essential workers in this pandemic: grocery cashiers, delivery people, governors and mayors, teachers, factory workers, subway and bus conductors, health workers. Whether in charge or just doing their jobs, their sacrifice, dedication, humility and truth-telling have awed people worldwide. And they…

Sermon – Pentecost XX

20th Sunday after Pentecost October 18, 2020 Exodus 33:12-23 I Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22 Are you the sort of person who has a good memory for names, or the sort of person who has a good memory for faces? I’m not sure why the world is divided into these two types; perhaps it’s because some…

Sermon – Pentecost XIX

Pentecost XIX October 11th, 2020 Exodus 32:1-14 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 What a confusing parable we heard from Matthew’s Gospel! Here are the two things that bother me the most. Firstly, the king sends his slaves to issue the invitation to the high-born citizens of the realm. When they turn him down – sometimes violently…

Pentecost XVIII 2020

Pentecost XVIII OKTOBERFEST October 4th, 2020 Exodus 20:1-20 Philippians 3:4-14 Matthew 21:33-46 When I celebrated communion for the first time in St. Esprit on this Sunday in 1994, little did I know that all these years later I would still be here at the same altar celebrating an Oktoberfest! During the course of those years,…