Sermon – Huguenot Sunday

Easter IV / Huguenot Sunday April 25, 2021 Acts 4 :5-12    I John 3 :16-21     John 10 :11-18 Several years ago, a previous member of the Vestry (who shall remain nameless) told me in no uncertain terms that “Nobody comes to St. Esprit for the architecture”. At first, I was a little taken aback by…

Annual General Meeting

Due to our current situation, our Annual General Meeting will be held online this year. The Annual Meeting of the Église Française du Saint Esprit will be held immediately after the service on Sunday May 2nd, 2021 on our YouTube channel. We hope that you will be able to be with us virtually to exercise…

Huguenot Sunday

Join us this Sunday in our Annual Service of thanks to celebrate religious freedom and toleration! This year we will be commemorating the 423rd anniversary of the Edict of Nantes: the Edict that granted freedom of religion for the first time and inspired the first amendment of the American Constitution and the Universal Declaration of…

Sermon – Easter III

Third Sunday of Easter April 18, 2021 Acts 3:12-19   I John 3:1-7  Luke 24:36-48 I have to admit that I’m not a big fan of magic shows. Cynthia was telling me about the tricks that her father performed for birthdays, and I admit that her stories won me over somewhat. She made me wonder what…

Sermon – Easter II

Easter II April 11, 2021 Acts 4:32:35    I John 1:1-2:2    John 20:19-31 “If beauty delights you, the dust shall shine as the sun. If you enjoy that speed, strength and freedom of the body that nothing can withstand, then you shall be like the angels of God. If you delight in any pleasure that is…

Easter Sermon

Easter Day April 4, 2021 Isaiah  25:6-9     Acts 10:34-43     John 20:1-18   Over the last year or so there has been rather a fuss about what some people have come to call disparagingly ‘cancel culture’. People in history, a certain way of looking at the past, or certain utterances or attitudes…

Sermon Jeudi Saint -Maundy Thursday

Jeudi Saint Jean 13:1-17 Quand quelque chose de nouveau, de surprenant nous arrive on réagit en général en s’arrêtant, en se recroquevillant, en regardant en arrière pour voir ce qui s’est passé. On est abasourdi, on regrette ou encore on s’insurge. Une injustice criante nous donne ces sentiments. La pandémie a sûrement suscité en nous un…