Sermon – Premier dimanche de l’Avent

Advent I November 29, 2020 Isaiah 64:1-9  I Corinthians 1:3-9  Mark 13:24-37 What is the difference between the Christian life of prayer and the Christian life of watchfulness? It’s a particularly interesting question to ask ourselves in the Advent season. The twentieth century German theologian Jürgen Moltmann once wrote: “To pray is good, but to…

Sermon – Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving celebration November 22, 2020 When you read the Bible, it is very hard to avoid the fact that it was written for a society that was far closer to the earth and its seasons than we are. The Old Testament is full of references to harvests and vines, to sheep and to cattle. The…

Sermon – Pentecost XXIV

Pentecost XXIV November 15th, 2020 Judges 4:1-7  1 Thessalonians 5:1:11 Matthew 22:14-30 In last week’s reading from Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus compared Christians to a group of teenage girls who had been asked to be bridesmaids, and then compared God to a groom who couldn’t even turn up on time to his own wedding. This week,…

Sermon – All Saints

All Saints 1 November 2020 Revelation 7: 9-17 1 John 3: 1-3 Matthew 5: 1-12 This year we are lucky in one thing at least: All Saints Day coincides with a Sunday, so we are able to celebrate it on the day assigned to it in the calendar. In the late twentieth century, something called…