Sermon – Pentecost IV

Tutti Frutti Christi  – Le quatrième dimanche après la Pentecôte                                       le 28 juin 2020 Une des choses les plus difficiles quand on écrit un sermon et qu’on est un baby preacher comme moi, c’est de ne pas se laisser tenter par les fruits les plus accessibles. C’est plus facile à dire qu’à faire. Je…

Sermon – Pentecost III

Pentecost III June 21, 2020 Genesis 21:8-21   Romans 6:1-11    Matthew 10:24-39 The story of Sarah and Abraham’s banishment of Hagar and Ishmael is one of the most troubling and enigmatic texts in the book of Genesis – a book well known for its difficult texts! It is difficult because it shows us that the Hebrews,…

Sermon – Pentecost II – Joris Bürmann

Pentecost II – Hospitality of the Third Kind It’s very strange to come back to our sanctuary and not see you in person. The gradual return of the congregation will undoubtedly make you feel this strangeness. I must admit that like Sarah and Abraham when the visitor they do not know arrives in front of…

Sermon – Trinité

Trinity Sunday June 7, 2020 Genesis 1:1-2(a) II, Corinthians 13:11-13 , Matthew 28:16-20 Why does the Bible begin with a story of creation? It needn’t have done. It could have begun with the call of Abraham; a creation story that tells us of the founder of our faith. It could have begun with the story…