Sermon – Dimanche de la Pentecôte

Dimanche de la Pentecôte Ez 37:1-14 ; Actes 2:1-21 ; Jn 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 Quand je prépare un sermon pour St. Esprit, je lis nos lectures du jour en anglais et en français. Si j’en ressens le besoin, je regarde ensuite l’hébreu ou le grec pour explorer dans les langues originelles du texte une expression ou un jeu…

Sermon – Sunday in the Octave of the Ascension

Dimanche dans l’octave de l’Ascension Actes 1:1-11 Ephésiens 1:15-23 Luc 24:44-53   Quand on regarde un film, lit un roman, ou si on est préoccupé par quelque chose, tout notre être est comme happé par cette contemplation. Pour notre bonheur, notre malheur et toutes les nuances qui existent entre ces deux sorts, nos corps, dans…

Sermon Jeudi Saint -Maundy Thursday

Jeudi Saint Jean 13:1-17 Quand quelque chose de nouveau, de surprenant nous arrive on réagit en général en s’arrêtant, en se recroquevillant, en regardant en arrière pour voir ce qui s’est passé. On est abasourdi, on regrette ou encore on s’insurge. Une injustice criante nous donne ces sentiments. La pandémie a sûrement suscité en nous un…

Sermon – Lent I

Lent I February 21, 2021 Genesis 9:8-17 I Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 Many Christians live through Lent as a moment of restraint and purification with a view to receiving God’s grace more fully. Many traditions and spiritual observances of the Church encourage this. During this season we want to be able to restrict, limit or…

Sermon – Épiphanie III

Epiphany III January 24, 2021 Jonah 3:1-5, 10 I Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20 What is the difference between a ceremony or a ritual (happy or sad), and the liturgy? We have a tendency to confuse the two, and it must be said that what we observe at times in churches or in the public square…

Epiphany Sermon

Epiphany January 3rd 2021 Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12. The Church is living through unprecedented times at the moment. More than two thousand years after Jesus’ birth and almost four hundred years after the founding of our own congregation, the pattern of our life has rarely been so tested as it is today. The…

Sermon – Advent IV

Last Sunday of Advent December 20th 2020 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16, Romans 16:25-27 Luke 1:26-38 Since the very start of the pandemic, we have often found ourselves in the same position as Mary when the angel came to visit her: all alone in our rooms. Perhaps she is even suffering a little from her loneliness.…

Sermon – Pentecost IX

Pentecost IX August 2, 2020 Genesis 32 :22-31   Romans 9 :1-5   Matthew 14 :13-21 NEW FLAVORS I suppose like many of you, I often eat alone. This custom began when I left my parents’ house, when I first had my own accommodation. Even if I was house sharing and living in a sort of community as I was…

Sermon – Pentecost II – Joris Bürmann

Pentecost II – Hospitality of the Third Kind It’s very strange to come back to our sanctuary and not see you in person. The gradual return of the congregation will undoubtedly make you feel this strangeness. I must admit that like Sarah and Abraham when the visitor they do not know arrives in front of…

Sermon – Bastille Day 2019, by Joris Bürmann

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost Bastille Day Sunday, July 14th 2019 Amos 7:7-17, Colossians 1:1-14, Luke 10:25-37 “Therefore let us celebrate the feast” Bastille Day at St. Esprit is the biggest celebration of the year. Soon the church will be full of hundreds of people, a dense and animated crowd, diverse and tricolor. We will all…