Bonjour !
While the Rev. Nigel Massey is enjoying his well-deserved annual summer leave, we will hold a morning prayer service every Monday at 9:15am (online and in-person) as well as a midday prayer service on Wednesday at 12:15pm (online and in-person) and a Sunday Morning Prayer service at 11:15am (online only). The Taizé prayer group is taking a summer break as well so there will be no Taizé service until September 16th.
Also, the Vestry has decided that the situation wasn’t clear enough yet to reopen on Sundays in September. Therefore, the Sunday services will not be open to the public in September. The Vestry will meet again on September 13 to decide if Sunday services can reopen to the public in October.
For an in-depth schedule, please click on the following link to access our live calendar.
You are welcome to sign-up to attend in person on a Monday or Wednesday. Simply click on the calendar link above, then click on the link that shows up in the bubble.
Many thanks,
Example: (in this picture, after clicking on “MidDay Prayers” on August 18, the bubble with the service information came up above with the link to sign up)