
New Website

more news, updates, and easier reach

It is with great pleasure that we are releasing this new website. We hope that you will find it visually pleasing, and that the new enhanced navigation menu will help you find anything that you are looking for.

As of today, the much-awaited Free-French-class pre-registration page is up here.

Disclaimer about photos and videos

Please, be aware that if you are present for services and events at Saint-Esprit, you implicitly agree to have your image used in film. If you do not want to be on camera, special seats in the back of the sanctuary are available.

However, if you appear anywhere on our website, and would like for that picture/video to be removed, please contact us, and we will do our best to accommodate your request in a timely manner.

What’s new?

First, we updated all the pages so they are current and relevant to your needs. We also gave it a lift, so it is more modern, and responsive (its design adapts depending on if you are on a computer, mobile phone, or a tablet).

As with our older website, you can still find our latest bulletins and sermons easily from the front page. Finally, we also integrated social media and “share” options to easily spread the word about the French church du Saint-Esprit.

Can I help?

What makes a great website, is feedback. If you see something that you think could be improved, or want to contribute (ex: if you want to be featured in our Community Corner page) contact us. We will greatly appreciate your help.