
Afrique Fête

celebrating our African members

Afrique Fête

As every year, Afrique Fête was a success, and it could not have been done without all your much appreciated help!

With the collaboration of the Mbazi singers from Angola, we experienced a beautiful service to the sound of wonderfull hymns such as “YEHOWA, YEYI W’AYA” or “SEIGNEUR, BÉNIS NOTRE TERRE D’AFRIQUE” (NKosi, sikelel’ iAfrika). If you like, you can listen online to the Mbazi singers here.

Thanks to the parishioners’ participation to the refreshments, we enjoyed together a copious amount of traditional food and wine to the sound of African music in our back garden until dusk.

We cannot wait for next year, and we are very grateful to the volunteers who helped set up the decorations and serve the food.

God bless you.

Pentecôte VII Bulletin Afrique Fete

Pentecôte VII Sermon Afrique Fete

More bulletins and sermons